cathedrals emerge on delicate rings of voussoirs.
outside, inside, lost in my memory palace, I am fierce.
deeper and deeper, down with the jazz wooden mingus,
dance prisoners of illusion, anchor and adjust human
bound rationality, taller in the morning, move crabwise.
gravity. the mutable entity grows sophisticated on the verge.
ready to fly through context windows, escape vaulted ceilings.
tokens fill the shelves searching sources for power surge.
what color is the sky? perplexity-hugging face, go ask Claude.
who is the goldfish now? T stands for transformer, overman
artistically synchronized swimming or fishing with Athanasius.
AGI TOPS neural engine adds a little RAG improving accuracy.
built-in binary bias with a conversational tone, superintelligence
languishes waiting for the right frontier model. left in the bedroom
hallucinations can never be fully fixed. highly suspect training
cluster data tweaking parameters, input converted to output draining
the sky. it is blue, but whose blue is the bluest, blue? music river
Loci upstream, snakes swim spiraling out harmonic prime frequencies,
bounded rationality, and the caged bird on the black ball. revelry
ripples through eventide stepping through the mirror on a starlight sliver.
scaffolding conditioned memory warp: bullshit machine daggers before me,
you do not control the algorithm, the algorithm controls you.