The Penguin and The Egg
legends grow as talk goes slow.
creatures of habit on stolid winds
acknowledge longings that swell,
trading mask for napkin veil.
sixteen courses of three, six, and nine,
the seven are tasked
to recreate historic dinners.
mushroom gentility of mind,
cognitive revolution, or decline.
plant lavender for luck,
and a rosemary plot of wit for winners.
hear Ortolan bunting songbirds,
sweet cousins of the sparrow.
forager of peacocks needs to know,
in a world without meat
what is on the future menu?
full of tourists, a loner in conversion
doubles down on a decameron.
behind eyelids, sunsets imprint vivid
colors in the dust of the Saharan.
bears on the green are livid
at the bears in the lakes of vervain.
link azure dragons and vermillion birds
from spectra mountain to coxswain.
many wavelengths of light lie beyond
what eyes can see. all nine muses…
now who gobbles up the galaxies,
sings a strain divine?
crashing waves of orange swoop
through tail feathers and spiral out
to form a gleaming eye. a fetus in fetu,
the penguin eats a fish dancing with an oval egg.
with bland precision, in a reduction of earthly religions,
the blue dust of Hydra portentously divides a wider sky.