m.t. whitington

A force majeure, female catalyst, futurist, polemicist, psychonaut, epistemologist. Ruminating between the lines with a clarion call and extreme unction.  A global writer with southern roots.



down by the ocean, halfway to spring,

gather cherry and almond buds,

and weave them into a crown 

of willow twigs and fresh leaves.

when cows lay on snowdrop blooms,

come from the sacred place of temenos,

where words multiply like mushrooms.

eye wheel of the year turns a quarter day,

hang scarves to blow in the wind.

sit around the open bonfire with friends.

sound cleanse walled gardens of winter.

open every window, and clap your hands.

light every flame glowing from your head.

light candles and dance, recite before bed:

the dent of the lion is becoming more fierce.

dandelions light the spark throwing off the dark

I place St. Brigid straw cross biddy of Imbolc with mirth,

for the seeds of spring stir in the belly of mother earth.

House of The Burning Moon

House of The Burning Moon

small coach: prolate spheroid under four lines 

small coach: prolate spheroid under four lines