m.t. whitington

A force majeure, female catalyst, futurist, polemicist, psychonaut, epistemologist. Ruminating between the lines with a clarion call and extreme unction.  A global writer with southern roots.



continue to grow around grief

as the seabirds dart swiftly,

hover, dip, sway then perch upon the reef

of god, of man summoning the demon.

classical guitar whales upon this dark wind.

good and evil can look much alike, blend.

featherless we stray far from nature, foe, and friend. 

journey narratives mix tape, a sapienship 

challenge. humans have lost their story. 

obscure disruptions force questions, Ephphatha…

be open, should we listen to trees, no worries?

can we be responsive, and work collectively

from our astral soup to retame flames?

should we dream carbon dreams? 

novel algorithms, silicon delves deeper, 

how fundamental is consciousness? 

imagination is our story we believe,

strum the same tune of objective reality

through dual to multidimensional

future long from the ocean forests

in awe. drift, pause, break no turning back

from the whistles dry new miracles artificial 

intelligence flows between cursive characters 

causing neural connections, unfathomable.

subdue them in brown noise.

send them out into time dilation. launch

calls her blessed Artemis, the huntress.

qualia trapped inside bones remain staunch

the majority of our existence is unseen.

birds fly. scatter the hours, beacon voices in chorus, 

they can hold a note. oblique sequence 

a soul is a soul, is a soul flickering slowly.

electric. magnetic. ultraviolet. infrared. echolocation.

slap sick man hands gathering new senses,

emotionally charged projections of future dismal.

the disembodied past is written in the leaves 

of a book locked inside with only the title visible.



