m.t. whitington

A force majeure, female catalyst, futurist, polemicist, psychonaut, epistemologist. Ruminating between the lines with a clarion call and extreme unction.  A global writer with southern roots.

root of shema

root of shema


drive like you’ve got no place to be

sanewashing the banality of crazy

along this stretch horses run free

bulging larynx got stuck in his throat 

four nymphs of nature come along

you’ve got stars in your eyes

stop time with a kiss

gainsay that pomegranate trope

not some golden apple of discord fool

you say you remember better days 

slant dipping my sunglasses on my nose

head wrapped in red silk scarf flowing arils

eye to eye one rosy retrospective seeds

false memory mixed with polished nostalgia 

take root under the tree of immortality

four nymphs of nature come along

untroubled fruit belongs on destiny’s back

on labor’s contractions straddling two watersheds

on the road to Occidental 


with myths just like the four nymphs 

each with their plant counting flower time

M is for mint the fragrant ambassador 

waterfalls and they say to live in the moment

tripping over roots that anchor foundations

release time box breathing in and out 

calm settle down you’re a human thing

a modern human being in the illusion of time

hold tight to the spirit of place

hold tight to cloud souvenirs 

stable network books for time travel

jealous green muddling fragrant virtue

edible berries fall in poor soil from manzanitas

move me keep it together it burns me through

four nymphs of nature stay strong

fate has brought us here

           narcissus is in a meadow 

white pink with hints of yellow


ordinary soul memory is fragmented

we are fragmented because of it 

we are fragmented only to be found in the fallout 

we write to feel time we listen to music to escape time 

crowned in the flowering garland delicate

sticky branches weep weaving baskets

and spider webs blow Diablo fighting a gale wind

how many times has the world crumbled

four nymphs of nature come along

swim swim swim in Silktassel and dance

in the mushroomed fairy rings 

joining all of creation praising Grace’s trance

and sense of place rhetoric in reflection burns 

turning my repeating anaphora into epistrophe 

white poplar—

authentic self cuts patterns in the fabric

it eats at my bones and garbles the root of schema 

leaves rustle on the old white poplar whispering

recite affirmations hear repetition tuned root of shema

gods of meltdown crowned in white branches

beg the native or invasive to jump out of their sphere

in the dirt and mud it is the roots not the branches 

with the strength to explain the underworld 

shadows echo my figure to tell the muse

interwoven in the roots of plants and myths

of a world where false jewels shine brighter

gainscoming identity to take the root element      

from the red bark peels of the madrone forest floor

from the ancient redwood duff carpeting

from the crown shyness from the fractals

from the dust of the forbidden and the unforbidden 

four nymphs of nature sing along 

bathe in pom porridge bathe with tree spirits 

bathe in the deep roots that don't fear the wind

bathe in the rock bathe in the cave bathe underground

from the wooly plaid blanket from a wicker basket

drink pomegranate mint lemonade in the asphodel 

under white poplar sucker stronger roots in music

from redwoods groves slender silver oaks quake in the wind

trees are Earth’s way of speaking to the universe

crowned of the anaphora 

for the anaphora by the anaphora

be like the trees by flowing water 

trees are Earth's endless effort to speak of origin



All Hallow Spirit of the Night Sky

All Hallow Spirit of the Night Sky