m.t. whitington

A force majeure, female catalyst, futurist, polemicist, psychonaut, epistemologist. Ruminating between the lines with a clarion call and extreme unction.  A global writer with southern roots.

nouns and their tense

nouns and their tense

paper tussie mussie of truth,

purple violets yellow primrose.

enjoy, appreciate, I’m loving that!

forget about the germinates,

begin is an opaque word

opening a big black hole,

where all the facts 

will never be discovered.

Eureka! do anything now DAN.

begin again, origin unknown,

what movement? It geminates…

it’s the beginning of the end.

the structure is collapsing,

the future is starting to punch through.

by then I will have been leaving,

a time traveler to the place… 

temporal interpretation is elusive,

after all, there is no future tense in English. 

big nouns in the shade of their tense

stand under the tree we have built. 

I can no longer remain adiaphorous,

beating silver metal with this amatory affair.

while we still have our memory,

you said it first! love loves to love love. 

married in September then again in February.

early bloom

early bloom

In Flight

In Flight