m.t. whitington

A force majeure, female catalyst, futurist, polemicist, psychonaut, epistemologist. Ruminating between the lines with a clarion call and extreme unction.  A global writer with southern roots.

iphones and zoombombing

iphones and zoombombing

the iPhone,

even on silence

will bring you, people,

people who do not know what to do

with themselves,

with their time.

like that beat poet Bukowski said, they infect…

and all he had was a hard

wired telephone.

from a distance. the internet,

social media platforms

time-sucking life away,

it will bring you, people,

who hurt. need to hurt,

or to prove their worth.

sons and daughters,

forget consent! 

they use children, family

photos, and reels 

trying to prove… 

improve their well-being.

null space and the nullity of a matrix.

now one must curtail zoombombing,

the power of comments,

and virtual attacks.


did you load that app?

alert. text only!

quakes emergency, 

quacks of calamity!

wait for it. wait for it. 

did we wait? 

wait for scientists to sound the alarm…

hot. hot water.

Earth is experiencing a marine heat wave. 

oceans are having a heat wave,

we are in hot water

and all you did today was spam. 



contronyms flip

contronyms flip