m.t. whitington

A force majeure, female catalyst, futurist, polemicist, psychonaut, epistemologist. Ruminating between the lines with a clarion call and extreme unction.  A global writer with southern roots.

antinomy worry

antinomy worry

Man. too, has to submit to universal force, and inasmuch as he submits in body and in soul, he submits doubly. His hand grasps the earth, but his soul embraces heaven; like the insect, he is a thing of dust, but like the star he partakes of the empyrean. He labors and he thinks. Labor is life, and thought is light! ~Victor Hugo

vacillating side to side

between the dichotomy 

-me -we bewilderment,

a fascinating antinomy

rejecting the zig-zag plea.

minds opening to ideas,

examine your conscience!

there is no absolute truth,

flip the switch, ten and six…

rise and sleep, when to breathe

triple figure dine and dash fix,

pusher pushing ten times ten. 

rise at leisure with the sun…

take all those vitamins.

release the weight of memory,

eyes open wide, glance back

never stuck in the past,

and leap into your future on the run. 

show us the world you’ve been working on.

romancing all the quotes of Chateaubriand,

looking for that rare conjuncture or nothing.

look down at the insects in the grass,

look up at the stars stirring the firmament,

and see how they go about their work. 

stones to stains, focus.

open up prophetic vistas and ask,

Is war dead yet?

the scaffold, animosity, royalty?

what century then will dogmas be dead

and humanity live?

one country—that country the whole earth.

one hope, the whole omega point.

the repartee comes so late,

the ground beneath our feet

is the ashes of our grandparents.

our children will inherit this earth.

I worry about tree mortality in lake county

and the moderate wind advisory just issued.

I worry about paid verifications, a check, or a badge.

a wave of imposter accounts, a new algorithm.

who cares! balance is good, harmony is everything.

work or worry, do not be in such a hurry,

salty in the morning, sweet at night,

longevity knows no worry.

Witness Havah

Witness Havah

après absurdity

après absurdity